About EnerCool
EnerCool introduces Enercoat®: the proprietary water-based, high performance nano-coating substance.
Enercoat® is not only improve the thermal conductivity of the cooling system, in order to enhance the energy efficiency, greatly reduce the cooling cost. But also protecting the heat exchanger coil inside the Air-cooled Chiller, provide effective corrosion resistance, extend the equipment life. After using this high-performance coating, the HVAC system can obtain:
*Enercoat® nano-coating substance is safe and reliable which has met the international testing standards.
1. Reduce Energy Consumption by 10%~30%
2. Increase Equipment Useful Life by 5~10+ years
3. Increase Cooling Capacity
4. Reduces Carbon Footprint
How does it work?
Our Service
Enercoat® Coating Treatment
Post-Treatment -
Measurement &
1. On-site Observation
2. Baseline Data Preparation
3. Treatment Proposal
1. Fin Combing
2. Coil Deep Cleansing
3. Enercoat® Coating Treatment
Data Comparison between Baseline
& Post-Treatment -
Measurement & Verification Report – Analysis of Energy Saving
After-Sales Maintenance
Enercool Nano-coating Treatment Proven Record
Regal 2019 ESG Report Highlight “Working with (EnerCool) to prevent corrosion by (applying Enercoat®) onto the fins and coils of three air-cooled condensing units at Regal Hongkong Hotel, resulting in longer lifespan and energy saving up to 30% due to better thermal heat transfer”
CLP Smart Energy Award 2022
“Congratulations to our Data Centre customer Equinix for winning CLP Smart Energy Award 2022 - Innovation Award, through EnerCool Nano-coating treatment solution”
Innovation Award: Adoption of
innovative ideas in energy management
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)
通過城智節能專用的塗層施工工藝,並結合專業的節能測量和驗證分析,幫助客戶實現確定的節能減排量。我們還可以協助客戶滿足ESG (環境、社會和治理) 要求,其中可涵蓋範圍包括: SDG9, SDG11及SDG12 ,提升可持續社會價值。
VER (Voluntary Emission Reduction)